Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flying saucer (or) unidentified flying object

Flying saucer is a type of unidentified flying object (UFO) with a disc- or saucer shaped body. It is described as silver or metallic covered with running lights or surrounded with a glowing light, moving rapidly either alone or in tight formations with other similar craft.

The first highly publicized sighting was seen by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947. He never specifically used the term "flying saucer" and he was quoted the shape of the objects as a "saucer", "disc", or "pie-plate", and several years later added he had also said "the objects moved like saucers skipping across the water."

Flying objects sighting was followed by thousands of similar sightings across the world. Such sightings were once very common, to such an extent that "flying saucer" was turn a synonym for UFO.

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